Φωτοσύνθεση μπρούμυτα και ανάσκελα

Είναι καλό για την υγεία μας να μένουμε στον ήλιο για να φωτοσυνθέτουμε. Η βιταμίνη D και λοιπά.

 Όταν φωτοσυνθέτω μπρούμυτα, φωτοσυνθέτουν μαζί μου τα εξής αλμυρά.

Όταν φωτοσυνθέτω ανάσκελα, φωτοσυνθέτουν μαζί μου τα εξής γλυκά.

Sleeping in the waves (video)

In memory of Aylan and of all the Syrian refugee children who slept into the sea during the crossing to freedom.

Sleeping in the waves

In memory of Aylan and of all the refugee children who slept into the sea during the crossing to freedom.

The two brothers, Aylan and Galip, happy with their big teddy bear.


The photo above will haunt me all my life. The little boy seems like sleeping too near the waves. I had to draw something as an homage to the innocence, somehow to relief my pain. I could never draw a dead child. All children should be well fed, safe and happy. But most of them are not. They leave their once happy home and travel in overcrowded rotten boats far from the war, with hope and fear in the heart. For Aylan the travel ended in the middle of the sea and the waves placed gently the little body at the sand of the shore.